I have so many 'mums to be' in salon getting rid of the aches and pains being pregnant can put on the body. Massage is a great way to relax but you can add to this at home.
The secret; muscle memory.
Our senses are heightened during pregnancy, although all of the following can be used as a general relaxation technique.
Use the senses...all of them. Do all of these at the same time.
Firstly touch: The more massage the better, the more relaxed the muscles are the less tense they will become during labour.
Home method: Ask dad to circle the lower back in a clockwise motion. It doesn't have to be hard it's not to work out tension it is just for general relaxation.
If you end up having your hands free (after the taste below) then get something soft to feel, like a child having a comfort blanket.
Sound: Have a relaxing playlist, anything you personal find calming, it doesn't have to be waterfalls or birds but anything which gives you happy memories. Preferably something with a slower beat, this naturally reduces the heart-rate.
Taste/Smell: These are best together but you can do them separately.
Taste: Have a couple of bites of a favourite food, one lady used a boiled sweet, another made a big batch of lasagne that she cut into bite sized pieces as she could also smell it.
Smell: If having a non smelling food, also have a relaxing smell, either one that has good memories or one that is designed to relax i.e. lavender/camomile.
Sight: Have a calling backdrop, one that can be mobile (so you can use in hospital), can be from your partners face, to some artwork. Preferably colours that are pastel over bold reds.
So when we put all those together every evening muscle memory engages, when it comes time for the big event, implement your routine and the body will think 'it's time to relax' not 'it's time to tense up'.
A much easier and less painful labour. Your welcome!
